Rose Quartz energy stone

Rose Quartz energy stone

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$5.00 USD
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$5.00 USD
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Rose Quartz-Stone of Love
Chakras: Heart
Astrological Signs: Taurus, Libra

ROSE QUARTZ is the essential stone for increasing love and for times of extreme emotional turmoil, such as divorce, bereavement or career set backs because it helps to remind the wearer the importance of self-love. It stimulates the body’s love centers and can result in peace and fidelity in committed relationship. It does emotional maintenance clearing out emotional baggage, converting negative emotions and calm hot tempers ,all of which prepares us for love. Also used for mental discipline, making one more responsible and for meditation and mental tranquility. Benefits the heart, the circulatory system, fertility, headaches, migraines and weight loss.

Your energy stones should be cleansed and recharged regularly for the best healing effects of the stone. The best way to cleanse and recharge the stones is to place them on Selenite plates/bowls or triangular selenite stick grid . For more information please visit Selenite section.
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A-grade/Tumbled, size-medium, Cleansed & Charged.
Two or more stones come with a pouch.